I spent over 1 week working on the design for my websites landing page. I showed it off to a mastermind group. One of the members was a designer from the UK who has bee doing web dev for over 5 years, much longer than my 7 months.

"It's still very raw"

After showing off my design, the other web developer in the group told me that my design was still raw. He kept bringing up how he didn't like the design and it wouldn't be anything he would ever show off. His critique style was harsh, but I know he genuinely had good intentions. I spent 2 days being bummed out that someone thought my design was bad. Towards the end of the second day I hopped onto Facebook and thanked the guy who told my website was raw. They were right, I just didn't want to accept it because of how much time I spent on it. If this landing page was going to be the first thing potential clients saw, it needed to be the best thing I could make. I went back to the drawing board, and redid the design from scratch spending 2 weeks on it this time. It was much better.


Just because you spend days, weeks, months, or years on something doesn't mean its good. It's never wasted time if you learn from it.