I was first introduced to this concept in the very first Mozi Media Youtube video. Quick context, it is Alex Hormozi talking to a group of university students who are taking an entrepreneurship class. Alex was talking to the class explaining how simple it was to be successful. To put it into perspective for the class, he brings up how half the students in any given class don't even show up. Just by showing up you beat 50% of people. The point that he gets across is how simple it is to be successful, and I believe this to be true. Now before you stop reading let me try to explain.
The Reality of It
The reality is that most people are average. In the class room the average student gets C's, and those below average don't even show up to class. Just by showing up to class you beat 50% of people in the class, with almost no effort. By going to class and minimally doing your homework, you will get C's. By going to class, taking notes, and doing your homework will net you B's. Finally going to class, taking notes, doing your homework, and studying before exams will net you those A's. You might not like example since its about school, so let me explain a real life one.
Lorem Ipsum
I decided to create my business around web design and development. I was looking around to see what other construction companies were doing for their websites as research for a client. Over 50% of them didn't have a website. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it proves the point. Of the ones that did, many were simple one pagers that were created by the owners themselves. Again not bad, but it proves the point. One of the websites that looked like it was designed had fatal flaws. Images were not loading, There was white text on a white background, and there was even lorem ipsum text still on the homepage. THIS WAS A LIVE SITE FOR A REAL COMPANY. You would think that the owner of the business who cared enough to get a website designed and developed would be on top of something like this, but they weren't. This isn't to talk badly on the owner themselves, but more on the lack of action.
...they chose to go with a different company...I was out of their budget...
Another time, I was bidding for a project for an HOA. Their site was using a free WordPress template and, overall, it had a bad design. In the end, they chose to go with a different company citing that I was out of their budget, understandable. Later on I remembered the HOA and wanted to check out what the other company had done for them.
Their new site had:
- Font Change
- Main color change from grey to brown with gold accents
- Minimal layout tweaks
- Contact form
For reference my bid and the other company's bid were above 1,000 but less than 2,000. Mine being a few hundred dollars more than theirs. So you are telling that the design and development they got is worthy of a 1k+ price tag. I was again reminded, the bar is so low.
I have only truly experienced this in the world of academia and in the web dev industry, but I am willing to bet that this rule applies to industries and facets of life. In all areas of life if you take second to look, you'll realize this is true. You'll see that the bar is so low